Technical SEO

We specialize in the intricate world of Technical SEO. Our expert team is dedicated to optimizing the backend of your website, ensuring peak performance in search engine results and delivering an unparalleled user experience.

We understand that technical SEO is the foundation of digital success, influencing everything from rankings to user engagement. Our comprehensive approach addresses both current best practices and emerging trends in search engine algorithms.

The Technical Edge

Complete Technical SEO Done Right

We don’t just implement basic SEO tactics; we engineer comprehensive technical solutions. Our approach dives deep into your website’s architecture, meticulously fine-tuning every aspect to align with search engine algorithms and user expectations. We leverage cutting-edge tools and proprietary methodologies to identify and resolve technical issues that may be holding your site back. From XML sitemaps to robots.txt optimization, from HTTP status code audits to implementing proper canonical tags, we leave no stone unturned in our quest for technical perfection.

The Technical SEO Process

Measurable Technical Improvements

Our approach is methodical and data-driven. We begin with a comprehensive technical audit, identifying critical issues and opportunities. This audit covers everything from crawl errors and duplicate content to more advanced issues like rendering problems and international SEO considerations. Then, we develop a tailored strategy, prioritizing improvements that will have the most significant impact on your site’s search performance and user experience. We work closely with your development team to implement changes, ensuring all technical optimizations are executed flawlessly.

We believe in transparency and tangible results. Our detailed reporting showcases improvements in key technical metrics, from enhanced crawl efficiency to faster page load times and improved Core Web Vitals scores. We provide regular updates on your site’s technical health, including crawl stats, indexation levels, and performance metrics. Our reports also include actionable insights and recommendations for ongoing improvements, ensuring your site stays ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving SEO landscape.

Demystifying Our Technical SEO Approach

Technical SEO can seem complex and intimidating. At its core, our approach focuses on creating a solid foundation for your website’s performance in search engines and for users. We start with crawl optimization, ensuring that search engines can efficiently discover and index all important pages on your site. This involves optimizing robots.txt files, creating comprehensive XML sitemaps, implementing proper internal linking structures, and resolving any crawl errors or redirect chains that might be hindering search engine bots.

Server performance is another crucial aspect of our work. We strive to maximize your server’s efficiency through various techniques such as implementing server-side caching, optimizing database queries, ensuring proper HTTP/2 implementation, and setting up Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) for improved global performance. These optimizations not only improve your site’s speed but also enhance its ability to handle increased traffic.

On-page technical elements are meticulously fine-tuned to ensure they meet the latest SEO best practices. This includes optimizing title tags and meta descriptions, properly structuring header tags, enhancing image alt text and file names, and creating clean, logical URL structures. We also implement breadcrumbs to improve both user navigation and search engine understanding of your site’s structure.

A significant focus of our work is on Core Web Vitals optimization. These metrics, which include Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), are crucial for both search engine rankings and user experience. We employ a variety of techniques to improve these scores, from optimizing image delivery to minimizing unnecessary JavaScript execution.

Lastly, we ensure your site is both secure and accessible. This involves implementing and maintaining HTTPS, ensuring proper implementation of hreflang tags for international sites, and improving overall site accessibility for users with disabilities. By addressing these often-overlooked aspects, we create a website that not only performs well in search results but also provides a superior experience for all users.


We restructure your website for optimal crawlability and indexing, ensuring search engines can efficiently navigate and understand your content hierarchy. This includes creating logical URL structures, optimizing internal linking, and developing clear site navigation. We also implement advanced techniques like proper use of rel=”nofollow” and rel=”canonical” tags to guide search engines through your site effectively.


Our team employs cutting-edge techniques to minimize load times across all devices, significantly improving user experience and search rankings. We utilize a combination of server-side optimizations, code minification, image compression, and leveraging browser caching to ensure your pages load lightning-fast. We also implement advanced solutions like lazy loading and critical CSS to further boost performance.

Design For Search

We ensure your site is fully responsive and adheres to mobile-first indexing principles, catering to the growing mobile user base. This involves more than just responsive design; we optimize tap targets, ensure text readability without zooming, and eliminate mobile usability issues. We also implement AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) where appropriate to provide an even faster experience for mobile users.


We implement structured data to enhance your search appearance, potentially securing rich snippets and featured positions in search results. Our team is proficient in JSON-LD and other schema formats, tailoring markup to your specific industry and content types. From organization and local business schema to product, review, and FAQ markup, we ensure your content stands out in search results.

SEO Success

Complete SEO Planning For Success

Adffect’s proven SEO strategies will propel your website to the top of search engine results, driving organic traffic and boosting your online visibility. Our expert team employs cutting-edge techniques, from thorough keyword research and on-page optimization to high-quality content creation and strategic link building. We stay ahead of algorithm changes and industry trends, ensuring your site maintains its competitive edge. With our data-driven approach and tailored solutions, we’ll optimize every aspect of your digital presence, helping you outrank competitors and capture your target audience’s attention. Trust Adffect to elevate your search rankings and transform your online performance, delivering tangible results that grow your business.

Complete Reporting

Analytics Is The Key For Knowledge

Our monthly in-depth reports are where we truly shine, diving deep into your site’s technical performance. We analyze trends in crawl rates, indexation, page speed metrics, mobile usability, and more. Each report includes visual dashboards for at-a-glance performance overviews, detailed breakdowns of completed optimizations and their results, comparisons against industry benchmarks, and prioritized action items for the next month. This comprehensive approach ensures you have a clear understanding of your site’s technical health and the impact of our work.